Mar 30, 2008

Melaka @ Malacca @ 马六甲之旅 (P。1)

Ruins of the era of golden hub of Malaya and the most visited n historical place in Malacca.

Fort A-Famosa
After the Portuguese captured Melaka, they built a fortress to defend themselves. The fortress, called A'Famosa suffered severe destruction during the Dutch invasion. What's left today is just the entrance walls, still well preserved till today

St. Paul's Church

On top of St. Paul's Hill is the St. Paul's Church, once the prayer house of the Portuguese Catholics, then turned into burial ground for their noble dead by the Dutch. The tombstones have Latin and Portuguese inscriptions on them. St. Francis Xavier was buried here in 1553 before his body was moved to Goa in India.

If you want to visit Melaka, you can refer to the below,

Mar 22, 2008

Some new collections

Office Decoration, no hassle, no watering cactus plant. And fur-less cat which dun purrrr.....

First blue duckie on my diary.
Easy to make, just attach the hands and legs to the body.
There u go, a blue duck

My first mouse - arm rest. I have a cute yellow cat guarding my dearie mouse.


Like ur sunny side-up with a love shaped, look no further:

Unbelievable egg stress toy.

Interesting post with egg emoticons

Mar 13, 2008

Biscuit Play

I love cookies, yummy!!!

One is a mirror and another one is a biscuit toy.
The cookie was made to look like my favorite oreo, with white filling.

Mar 2, 2008

Kuching Trip

Dragonfruit planting

Clear blue sky