Sep 19, 2008

More of my handmade dolls : E.V.E

I constantly looking out for DIY crafts to play with and one day I was directed to It is a great website where parents especially "Dad" can spend time with their children on craft projects, from making dolls to recycling. On this website I found the E.V.E. doll project.

I was tempted to make the doll as I love the Wall E movie (Actually i love Wall E character more than E.V.E., but it is much more harder to make). Anyways, instead of making a big E.V.E. , I made a small E.V.E. key chain (about 10cm tall) and modified the plant detector to a LOVE detector. By the way, it is made by felt and hand sewn.

Hope the E.V.E. lovers out there enjoy my piece of art. *.*


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

I love your E.V.E. I haven't see the movie yet but it looks like a fun project.

Alix said...

What kind of stitching did you use?

I love your take on the dadcando project and I wanted to make something similar.

Thanks :]

Nesa said...

I use blanket stitch. Hope you have fun with your project.
I found a video on youtube on blanket stitch just in case u need it.

Alix said...


Super helpful!