Jan 20, 2009

Mr & Mrs Hippo

My first hippopotamus plushies!!!

Introducing Mr & Mrs Hippo, a pair of newly wed hippos for my friend's wedding gift to her newly wed friends. The bride loves hippo and purple, initially I want to make a Moomin plushie for her but the time is too short for me to figure out a pattern for it. Instead, I have referred to Tamiesnow's cute hippo for inspiration and guidance.

It was kinda difficult to write a pattern then trying out, as I couldn't achieve the effect i want with my pattern. So I decided to crochet and write the pattern along the way. It's a fun and exciting journey in making this pair of wedding dolls.

The dolls are made with acrylic yarn with some beads for the eyes and button for the nostrils. I added felt bow and top hat for the groom. As for the lovely bride, I made a pearly necklace and a simple veil with white flowers and a small rose corsage that made from an adjustable ring.

My favourite would be the top hat, as I always love to make top hat. Even for my snowman, I always put a top hat to keep them warm and looking sharp!!!

This is my first order for wedding dolls, hopefully more orders will come in. If you are interested, do drop me an email at yi3hui@gmail.com


NaNa said...

saw it in yewashop
then trace back to here
i have to say it again, they are so pretty~~~

Glue Girl said...

Hi, Annessa. I am so pleased to meet you. You are so talented! I am new to Swap Bot and so far I am loving it! It's a chance meet up with some really cool people and see the fabulous they talents they have. Your hippos are adorable. I am leaving you a link to my blog, too, and I hope you will stop by to see some of my work. I would LOVE to arrange a private swap with you. I am making acat dotee doll now that I think is gorgeous. Please add me to your friend list. I am going to invite you to be mine on swap bot. HUGS! Christine http://.lilspotteddog.blogspot.com

ange said...

Hello Swap-bot friend! Nice hippos...they are really cute!

Andrea (angeponge @ Swap-bot)

Rebecca said...

Those are so cute! I like your blog. :)

Here is my blog: http://chumblyface.blogspot.com

- Rebecca (chumblyface from swap-bot)

Le Butterfly said...

Love the hat


visiting via Swap-bot

Alicia said...

Oh my gosh! These are just so adorable! I enjoy your blog and plan on subscribing through google reader! If you want to visit my blog it is http://www.lookatmybooks.blogspot.com

ME... said...

The are adorable - great job! I find the best way to write a pattern is to do it as you go along too. I often wish that I had made myself write it down, after I finish a project.

*Michelle* said...

Those are very cute :). I was scared to get my tongue pierced but overcame it! I dont even have my ears pierced. LOL.

Fabricmom said...

These are so cute. Thanks for visiting my site. I bookmarked your blog. I will be back.

Upcountrysmiles said...

I'm one of your swap bot partners...stopping by your blog. Such talent you have..I don't crochet but did learn when I was very young.
Visit me at http://upcountrysmiles.com

Lisa said...

These are very cute! You are so talented...I don't even have a clue how to knit!